Pablo Enver (05/19/1990):
Pianist, arranger, and composer from Spain. Since I was a child, I displayed musical aptitude by teaching myself how to play the drums, but like any good teenager, I spent my time goofing off instead of honing my skills. Later on, I took up flamenco guitar lessons with instructors Gabriel Soto and Adrián Alvarado, but as soon as I let my guard down, I discovered that darn 88-key instrument, and the guitar took a back seat (though I can still hold my own to some extent). I studied piano at the Isaac Albéniz School in Madrid with Professor Mario Perelló.
I didn’t take long to become interested in harmony and musical composition, both through self-study and with various teachers throughout Madrid. One day, I decided to start a YouTube channel and began arranging video game music. Believe it or not, I’ve done over 500 arrangements so far, roughly speaking. Currently, I am collaborating with the company My Sheet Music Transcriptions, creating piano and other instrument transcriptions.
You can find all my arrangements on Musicnotes.
I arranged the music for the Piano Collections of “A Short Hike” and “Coromon”, and if you’d like, your video game could be next. Give me a call or shoot me an email, whichever works for you, and we can get to work.